Welcome to The Herald Group, EC!

We were excited to welcome EC as our newest associate this week. EC has already integrated herself into multiple clients as a fellow over the past few months. She’s particularly led research that helps clients successfully navigate through COVID-19 and projects around trade and technology. Please take a second to get to know our newest associate below and reach out for a friendly welcome if you’re on a call with her. 

Tell us a little about yourself.

Although I live in the city, I have a love for being out on the water after countless summers of living on the East Coast. I also enjoy exploring new restaurants and spending quality time with friends and family.

What excites you the most about working in public affairs?

Public affairs is ever-changing, which allows me to be creative every day. I have also developed passions for unique issues that I was once never familiar with.

What’s the best thing you’ve watched or read in the past 5 years?

Cold Tangerines by Shauna Niequist. It taught me to celebrate the simple pleasures in life and to pursue goals that ultimately make me happy and help me become a better person.

What do you like most about The Herald Group?

THG motivates me to dig-deep into matters that I care about, such as healthcare and financial services. The team here celebrates my strengths, encourages me to produce quality work, and always provides valuable feedback. 

What is your favorite thing about Washington, DC?

Being able to walk to monuments that represent milestones in our nation’s history.


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