Welcome to The Herald Group, Colin!

Last week we welcomed Colin Hensel to our team as our newest Digital Associate and are excited to introduce him to our clients and friends as well. He has already started to integrate himself into client work, diving head-first into all types of digital platforms. Until you meet him in person or over a video conference, we encourage you to learn a little more about him below.

Tell us a little about yourself.

I grew up in Nebraska as an avid tennis player and Cubs fan. Nowadays, you can find me frequenting Nats games and taste-testing local brews. 

What excites you the most about working in public affairs?

I love how it is always evolving. There is always a new tactic or campaign to run. It forces to you be nimble and think ahead.

What’s the best thing you’ve watched or read in the past 5 years?

The best thing that I have watched would have to be The West Wing. It may have been a bit before my time, but I would argue that it is the best show of its kind.

How did you find The Herald Group, and what did you like most about the firm?

I found THG through one of my mentors here in Washington DC. I was immediately struck by the variety of issues that the firm works on and how genuine the staff is.

What is your favorite thing about Washington DC?

The history. Whether that be the monuments or exploring areas like Georgetown, there are endless bits of history infused into every aspect of the city. It never gets old.

What’s your favorite restaurant in DC, both pre- and post-coronavirus?

It is a toss-up between Ted’s Bulletin and Texas Jacks barbecue.


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